Elizma Wannenburg


Casino management companies need to seek alternative ways to differentiate themselves from competitors. Connecting with their target market and stakeholders in a personal manner is vital for survival but often challenging. These companies present themselves through their corporate brand personality, with personal traits assigned to the brand being invaluable for both the user and the company. Understanding the importance of brand personality in an annual report is crucial in effectively portraying the brand. Using relatable language helps create brand awareness and loyalty. A content analysis of the annual reports of two South African casino management companies revealed how brand personality was reflected. Five broad dimensions of brand personality were used as units of analysis. The analysis aimed to determine how brand personality was integrated into the annual reports. Findings indicated that brand personality was evenly distributed, but dimensions like sophistication and excitement were underrepresented, highlighting areas for improvement. Understanding brand personality and its use in annual reports can help casino management develop accurate strategies targeted at those who can relate to and identify with the brand.