Freddy Marilahimbilu Mgiba
The Covid-19 pandemic and technological development have disrupted the way people participate in sports. The advent of electronic sports partly addresses their need to participate in sports in the new environment. Their consumption behavior in electronic sports has created a need for closer academic scrutiny. The objectives of the study was to determine whether perceived ease of use of electronic sports technology can be the antecedent for both perceived control and motivation and whether these two can be antecedents of behavioral intentions for initial and continued participation.
Literature that applies the Technology acceptance model, Flow and User and gratification theories grounded the study. Journal articles within 7 years of publication in the areas of electronic sports provided the substantive portion of the study. The analysis of the articles on electronic sports followed the scientific literature analysis approach. The literature analysis through the lenses provided by the three grounding theories yielded a set of constructs whose relationships (research framework) provide a new way of viewing electronic sports consumption behavior. The findings promise a positive outlook for both academics and management.