Margaret Cullen, Andre Calitz, Michelle Mey

One of the key contributing factors towards a competent management and administration style is team building. Teams are instrumental in implementing organisational goals and achieving outcomes. Team building is an important catalyst in the organisational relations between individuals. Teams are defined as two or more individuals inter-acting dynamically, interdependently and adaptively toward a common goal, with each member having a specific role to fill within the boundary of the team. Most post graduate business school (PGBS) programmes promote teamwork as a crucial part of the learning experience. The diversity of the teams adds to the strength of the learning environment. The teams (groups) work together to master the concepts taught in class with each team member contributing unique expertise as the team collaborate on projects and assignments.
The objective of this study is to examine the effectiveness of a team building intervention for business school syndicate groups, using the Amazing Race format. This study followed a mixed method approach. 65 respondents participated in the study. The independent factors Group Cohesion, Group Processes, Group Goal setting and Group Efficacy positively affected the Amazing Race team building event. The findings indicate that the majority enjoyed the team building event and that they learned to work with their fellow group members. The event fast tracked the forming stage of team development.