Mercy Mpinganjira


The purpose of this study is to examine factors that influence perceived risk reduction utility of independent travel review platforms and travellers’ attitude towards such platforms. Data used in the study was collected from 306 travellers who had used independent online travel review platforms to access reviews of B&B guest houses. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. The findings show that perceived risk reduction utility of online travel review platforms has significant positive relationship with attitude towards such platforms. They further show that both perceived altruistic motive of reviews and perceived information credibility are significant precursors of the risk reduction utility of review platforms and travellers’ attitude towards the same. Moreover, the relationship between perceived altruistic motive of reviews and perceived information credibility on attitude was found to be mediated by perceived risk reduction utility. The study contributes to knowledge on the pathways through which perceived review motivations and information credibility affects travellers’ attitude. Managers can use the findings of this study to inform their strategies for positively influencing travellers’ predisposition towards their platforms.