Juliet Townes


Purpose of the study: There are numerous definitions and theories of leadership. This study explores the phenomenon through the lens of multiple leaders. The study asked participants what qualities and characteristics they admired in leaders and which led them to commit to following these leaders.
Design/methodology/approach: A positivistic quantitative research approach was employed with a convenience sample of 62 leaders working at an automotive plant. Written handouts were completed by seven leadership groups, ranging from senior management to high-potential leadership individuals.
Findings: Followers are seeking an authentic type of leadership. Followers admire leaders who practice their values consistently and are confident and sufficiently self-aware to lead with their heads and hearts. These individuals know who they are and are committed to developing long-term, meaningful relationships with their subordinates. Mobilising the capacity of their team is foremost in these leaders’ minds as they focus on empowerment and collaborative solutions.
Recommendations/value: Leadership is a life-long journey of reflection on practice, and the results of this study confirmed the complexity of the relationship between follower and leader. To uncover the potential within this leader-follower relationship, leaders need to understand the desires and expectations of their followers and act in ways that are congruent to the followers’ image of an effective leader.