Jessica Ehlers, Margaret Cullen, Andre Calitz, Michael de Lange4


Digital transformation and continuous changes to the business environment, including new advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, have questioned the relevance of current Business Schools’ offerings. As industry continues to adopt and invest in AI technologies, the demand for a more digitally prepared workforce continues to rise. Higher Education Institutions need to address the concerns of industry that they are producing graduates who are ill-equipped to handle the new challenges in the workplace. As industry continues to adopt and invest in AI technologies, the demand for a more digitally prepared workforce continues to rise. MBA students, in particular, need to demonstrate an understanding of AI and how to incorporate these technologies into their organisational strategy and operations to drive business growth. As a result, business schools need to incorporate 21st century skillsets and Artificial Intelligence Education (AIEd) technologies into all aspects of the learning and teaching process to ensure graduates are prepared for the AI-enabled workplace.
A literature review was conducted to identify factors for consideration towards a proposed theoretical framework to incorporate AI technologies and Industry 5.0 skillsets into an MBA qualification, called MBAi5.0. The proposed theoretical framework highlights several important factors, such as industry-academia collaboration initiatives, faculty member competencies and the incorporation of AI technologies into curricula, for consideration by Business Schools. Business Schools need to consider the proposed factors in order to remain relevant.